Sunday, October 4, 2009

The miracle

It starts with an egg, the size of the top of a straight pin....just as human life starts with a tiny fertilized egg.

 A few short days later a TINY caterpillar emerges through the shell of the egg.....a baby is born.
The caterpillar stage of eating, eating, eating is symbolic of life on earth.....preoccupied so often with the physical and material.

In the chrysalis stage it appears the caterpillar is lifeless inside the chrysalis.....symbolizing death and the darkness of the tomb, an inevitable reality. But, lo, inside of the chrysalis a miracle is taking place.....

The butterfly emerges..... symbolic of our souls rising from the grave and ascending into heaven and eternal life.

There are so many reasons that the transformation of the butterfly is amazing to me. Scientific research has reveled that the butterfly is the only living thing capable of changing entirely. The butterfly’s DNA is even entirely different from the caterpillar. Therefore, it is the perfect symbol in my eyes for transformation. 
The butterfly represents change, greater freedom and courage. A person requires courage for changes necessary for the process of growth. Freedom is achieved through peace of mind and the freedom of choices. The Lord gives us choices.

2 Corinthians 5:17 "So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come."

The transformation of the butterfly assures me that God is alive and working in the world, that He is an awesome Creator and masterful artist (as we see throughout nature) and that there is hope in Eternal Life.

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