Sunday, October 11, 2009

Celery Seeds not just for cooking.

I absolutely love the smell of celery. It reminds me of the fall and cooking. The fall is when most of us start cooking more home cooked meals as the days cool down and the holidays start to creep up. Without fail everyone who is anyone uses celery in some form in their holiday cooking. Weather it's for the dressing, adding it to your special blend of turkey rub or in that perfect pot of  beef stew or chicken noodle soup , celery is known the world over for it's aromatic nature. However in my home, celery seed is so much more.

Celery Seeds are the most under estimated herbal supplement out there in my opinion. How can such a tiny seed pack such a punch?Well lets take a look shall we?

Celery Seed is chalked full of vitamins and mineral , Vitamins A,B,C,D, Zinc Calcium and Iron, just to name a few.Which promotes this tiny little seed in the super food realm. Did you know that depending on the variety of celery used you can get up to a million seeds in just one pound of seed? Well now you do(smile) but lets not stick around for the small details, lets get into it's amazing properties, that can help both you and I. 

Tell me more!

Celery a member of the Umbelliferae family, a family which includes anise, caraway, carrot, fennel, parsley, parsnips, and celeriaic. The celery plant is slender, pale to darker green, growing up to 3 ft in height. It has a segmented leaf (3-5. Flowers with small white petals. Celery seeds are very small, tan to dark brown, and have a strong, bitter, pleasant smell.

Used as medicine since ancient times, with possible origins in the Indian Ayurvedic system. The English word celery is from celeri, a French word derived from an ancient Greek word. The plant is mentioned as selinon in Homer's Odyssey (850 BC.) It's obvisouly been around for a long time for a good reason.

What can it be used for?

Diuretic, antispasmodic, nervine, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, appetite stimulant, carminative, emmenagogue, hypothesize.

What I have used it for: Imflamation, diurectic , aniti bacteria.
In what form? Tincture, tea and cooking( of course)

Used as a treatment for brain and nervous system conditions, as a mild tranquilizer, to treat alcoholism, anxiety, depression, neuralgia, ardiovascular conditions, cold, bronchitis, flu, and pulmonary catarrh. Lowers high blood pressure, increases menstrual flow, promotes the onset of menstruation. muscular conditions, muscle spasms, cystitis, gout, urinary tract and kidney inflammation and infection. Reduces inflammation in the following conditions: arthritis, rheumatism, liver conditions. Preventive in liver damage caused by toxic chemicals. Corrects acid-based metabolism imbalance. Used also as a remedy for skin problems, deficiency diseases, to prevent and diminish cancer and tumors, spleen disorders. The seed is known to be beneficial to those with a tendency to be overweight.

Celery  seeds have a direct action on the kidneys, increasing the elimination of water and speeding up the clearance of accumulated toxins from the joints and so is of benefit in any oedematous condition that accompanies arthritis. It  is often administered with Taraxacum radix (Dandalion) to increase the efficiency of elimination by both the kidneys and the liver. Apium is also hypoglycaemic, and as such is helpful in diabetes; this action seems to involve a direct action on the pancreas and its production of insulin. Clinical studies in China have demonstrated a hypotensive action for the tincture, and this is accompanied by increased urine output. The flavonoid apigenin has exhibited significant anti-platelet activity in vitro. 

My Celery Seed Tea Recipe

3 tsp. Seeds.
3 Peppermint leaves
4 tsp Stevia leaves (sweeten)

Steep 10- 20 min.
I like my teas strong and sweet, so you will need to
play around with yours a bit.

Where can you buy it?

You can buy it at a variety of health food stores or at online herb stores such as The Black Butterfly.  Most of us already have it in the pantry so might as well use it up and then invest in a fresh new stock of it, when it's around the holidays. 

If interested in prices and quantity email us.
Celery Seed Tincture

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